
Mesa de centro fabricada en madera maciza.

MATERIAL: Madera maciza.

FINISH: Barnizado mate o brillo en distintas tonalidades.

DIMENSIONS: 115 x 75 x 38 cm.


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Athena considered the favorite daughter of Zeus, protector of civilizations and cities, particularly Athens, which derives from her name. She was a goddess who seems to hold a paradox in herself: she was the goddess of civilization, wisdom, science, justice, skill, but also of war and strategy in combat.

The Greeks thought that there were two types of warfare. One as savage era and barbaric, inspired by anger and vengeance, ruled by the god Ares. On the other hand, there was another type of confrontation that occurred for just causes and was guided by intelligence. That second idea is what gives rise to the myth of Athena.

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